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International, Research
EuroTech Talks – Scientific lectures across Europe
The third edition of the scientific lectures series brought together Kostas (Konstantinos) Danas, research director at CNRS and professor at École Polytechnique, and Pedro Reis, professor at École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), on September 22nd, 2022, to discuss the latest studies on magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) conducted at l’X and EPFL, both partner universities in the EuroTech Alliance.
Campus, Sustainable Development, Institution, Research
An exceptional donation to accelerate research on the energy transition at Polytechnique
Stéphane (X93) and Agnès Ifker have renewed their commitment to Polytechnique through an exceptional donation to support research on the energy transition. In this way, they are helping to position the Energy4 Climate interdisciplinary center as a world reference. This donation underlines the decisive role of the Polytechnique community for the future of l’X and its strong involvement in solving major new societal challenges.
Sustainable Development, Education
MSc&T students start the new academic year with a mandatory training on sustainable development
Nearly 160 students in the Masters of Science and Technology (MSc&T) program began their studies at École Polytechnique on September 8th and 9th. They took part in a mandatory training course on environmental issues. This training is part of l’X's commitment to the energy and ecological transition.
Sustainable Development, Education
Ecole Polytechnique delivers its first sustainable development certificates
This certificate, set up as part of l’X's commitment to sustainable development, provides in-depth training on sustainability issues for engineering students and Master of Science & Technology students on a voluntary basis.
Memorial to Pierre Berest
Pierre Berest, former researcher at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory, which he headed from 1990 to 2001, and professor at the Department of Mechanics, member of the High College of the École Polytechnique, has left us. Andrei Constantinescu, CNRS research director and director of the LMS honors him.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation
InSpek : chemical detection system based on optical microchips.
A revolution is taking place in the integrated optics sector, a market that will experience strong growth in the coming years. The start-up InSpek is contributing to it. We had the chance to interview the CEO and co-founder of InSpek: Jérome Michon, a young PhD turned entrepreneur.
Ten years ago, the Higgs boson was discovered
In 2012, a new elementary particle was discovered thanks to a worldwide scientific collaboration that included Leprince-Ringuet laboratory and Center for Microelectronics. Here is a look back at this crucial step that opened up new perspectives for particle physics research.
International, Institution, Sustainable Development
Éric Labaye, President of École Polytechnique, to preside over the EuroTech Alliance
The strategic alliance of six prestigious science and technology universities in Europe combines the members’ expertise in research and education to contribute to building a strong, sustainable, sovereign, and resilient Europe. Éric Labaye takes over the direction of the EuroTech Alliance for the period 2022-2023.
Pascal Chabert awarded a CNRS silver medal
Pascal Chabert, CNRS research director at the Plasma Physics Laboratory and Professor at École Polytechnique, has just been awarded a CNRS silver medal. It recognises his significant work in the field of plasma physics, with applications for microelectronics and space propulsion.
Interview with Patrick Huerre, hydrodynamic instabilities specialist
Patrick Huerre is CNRS Senior Scientist Emeritus and was Professor at Ecole Polytechnique where he co-founded the Hydrodynamics Laboratory with Jean-Marc Chomaz. He has just been awarded the European Society of Mechanics' Fluid Mechanics Prize, for his career devoted to hydrodynamic instabilities.
Chairs, Innovation, Research
Thomas Clausen joins the IEEE Computer Society’s Distinguished contributors
On the occasion of its 75th anniversary, the IEEE Computer Society has named its first distinguished contributors, including Thomas Clausen. The 410...
Aspects of Gravity, Mathematics and Physics
On March 21 and 22, the conference "Aspects of Gravity, Mathematics and Physics" took place. It was organised by the Laurent Schwartz Mathematics Center and the Center for Theoretical Physics for scientists to discuss issues related to gravitation as well as the theory of general relativity and its extensions.