Graduate of l'X

Welcome to the query service of the list of graduates of École polytechnique.

You will find on this list :

  • graduates of École polytechnique (engineering cycle) since the academic promotion X1960,
  • graduates Ph.D. of École polytechnique from 1985 to 2015,
  • graduates Ph.D. of the University Paris-Saclay, enrolled at École Polytechnique who did their research in one of École Polytechnique's laboratories and who defended their thesis from 2016,
  • graduates of Master of Science and Technology from 2018,
  • graduates of the Executive Master starting from the 2017 Intake (promotion),
  • graduates Ph.D. of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, enrolled at École Polytechnique who did their research in one of École Polytechnique's laboratories and who defended their thesis from 2019,
  • graduates of the Bachelor of Science from 2020,
  • graduates of the Mastère Spécialisé - Entrepreneurs 2018,
  • graduates of the the Master of Science X-HEC Entrepreneurs from 2019.

The service may be extended to other degrees.

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Last database update the 30/01/2025