Our programs & course offerings

The department offers courses in Economics across all levels and programs.


See dedicated website of the program










The Bachelor thesis is a lab-based research internship students are required to complete in their sixth semester (second semester of Year 3). The internship typically takes place over at least an eight-week period and is undertaken in a lab at École Polytechnique or at a partner institution, when possible. 

This 14 ECTS-credit internship provides students an opportunity to pursue a directed, focused, and individual research project that immerses students in the life of a research lab. Consistent with the Bachelor Program’s focus on research, students apply rigorous research methods to their project, while developing strong working relationships with research lab members, and experiencing first-hand the functioning of a lab.

See dedicated website of the program


See dedicated website of the program



Course presentation




Course presentation



1 st semester (Sept – November)

  • ECO431 : Microéconomie, Pierre Boyer, Marie Laure Allain
  • ECO433: Data Analysis & Econometrics, Pauline Rossi, Sara Signorelli


2nd Semester (November – February)


3rd Semester (February – May)



The PA Economics is a one-year specialization program in Economics. The program emphasizes the quantitative aspects of economic analysis and relies mainly on modeling and game theory for the theory part, and on econometrics and data analytics for the empirical part. Although various courses are based on case studies, applications in real examples and data analysis, the main focus of the program will be on scientific studies aimed at engineers, and thus the provided courses will use strong scientific methodologies. The program is aimed to the students who expect to develop their career in the public sector (economic administration, ministries, regulation agency, central banks, international organization) or the private sector (consulting in business strategy, industry, bank, M&A, insurance, Financial services), or who wish to become entrepreneurs.

The PA Eco offers four specialization tracks:

market strategy, corporate finance, public policy, and Master in Economics (Research track).

All courses are taught in English.


Economics booklet

Presentation PA


1st semester (September – December)


The applied project ECO511 is a year-long supervised research effort by students designed to complement formal course work. The point of the project is for students to apply what they have learned in class to a real-world research problem. Topics can range in both subject matter and methodology (both empirical and applied theory are possible). Topics are proposed by supervisors at the beginning of the year in a catalogue. Students form groups of twos or threes and then submit ordered rankings of desired topics. Students are then matched to supervisors/topics and work begins. Supervisors should provide some guidance in terms of methodology and data, but students should retain the freedom to be creative in addressing the question. Students are required to submit a midterm report in December describing progress to date. A final written report is due in March, which the students then defend to the supervisor in an oral exam.



2nd Semester (January – March)


3rd semester (April - August) : Research Internship


Internship booklet


Full list of courses is available here


The objective of this program is to provide an advanced training in economics to students who want to become professional economists working in government, central banks, international organizations, public or private institutions, consulting, finance or in academic research in the best universities worldwide.   Strong emphasis is put on quantitative reasoning and ability to link empirical observations and economic theories.

Our program is highly selective and includes a 2-year Research Master (Master in Economics of Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), in partnership with HEC Paris followed by a 3-year dissertation period (PhD in Economics of IP Paris hosted at CREST research center).



See website of the program

See dedicated IP Paris website of the program

Dedicated video

Program details