Student associations

These associations, known as "binets" in polytechnician jargon punctuate campus life, enabling like-minded students to get together and share their passions.
This involvement in the associations is unique with over three quarters of École Polytechnique students taking part. Campus community life is an integral part of students' education at the École Polytechnique, fostering the development of a sense of responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit among students.
La Kès : student association of Ingénieur Polytechnicien students
Created in 1804, this institution used to finance the school fees of the poorest students thanks to the solidarity of the wealthiest. Today, as an association under the law of 1901, the Kès retains this role with regard to international students. Its attributions have been enriched and strongly diversified with the environment of the Plateau de Saclay.
The Kès is composed of sixteen students called "kessiers". Among their missions: to act as a link between the students and the administration, to animate the life of the campus and to keep alive nearly 250 associations.
Bachelor's student association: L'ORE
In 2018, students of the Bachelor program created their own student organization aimed at managing Bachelor student life on campus, including organizing social and sporting events, trips, trade shows, etc. The board of directors of this organization is called L'ORE.
The MSc&T Student Office
A new office was created in 2020 to represent and assist MSc&T student life.
The main motivation for joining this group is to give a voice to MSc&T students. The role of the association is to reduce the cultural barriers thanks to a multicultural group, where each member comes from a different country and continent: Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. The goal is to give the fellow students of MSc&T the best possible experience at École Polytechnique.