Research collaborations
École Polytechnique encourages research partnerships with companies and industrialists to support economic growth based on knowledge and innovation.

These collaborations can take different forms:
- Research collaboration around a common scientific project, ranging from a project involving a post-doctoral student for one year to industrial chairs or joint teams and laboratories,
- Co-supervision of an internship or CIFRE thesis,
- Technical services related to equipment or specific skills on a shared issue of modelling, analysis or characterisation.
The Partnership Research and Intellectual Property Department: missions and team
The Service de la Recherche Partenariale et Propriété Intellectuelle (SR2PI) is the contact for companies wishing to develop a partnership research project with the École Polytechnique laboratories and/or establish a technology transfer. The SR2PI is linked to the Partnership and Valorisation Service (SPV) of the Ile De France Sud Regional Delegation of the CNRS (DR4) within the framework of an Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS Mutualised Valorisation Platform (PMV).
The priority missions of the Mutualised Valorisation Platform
Develop Research collaborations
- Ensuring the contractual set-up of industrial collaborations: analysing the specificities of each project, identifying the assets implemented and the potential results in terms of intellectual property and valorisation, drawing up the financial annexes and proposing suitable draft contracts.
- Negotiating all types of contracts (research, services, confidentiality, etc.) with industrial and academic partners, in conjunction with the legal team.
- Accompanying researchers in their search for industrial partners and suitable funding. Advising them on setting up collaborative projects. Participate in business and innovation fairs.
Develop technological transfer
- Raise awareness about intellectual property and technology transfer among researchers. Detecting inventions, know-how and software from the laboratories, and projects likely to lead to innovative technologies.
- Advising researchers on the formalisation of invention, know-how and software declarations to the supervisory authorities. Collecting and registering the declarations.
- Assessing the patentability and market potential of inventions and software, in conjunction with the inventors/authors. To decide on the filing of the patent according to the policy of École Polytechnique and/or to transmit the declarations to the other supervisory authorities. If necessary, selecting and commissioning a patent firm to draft and file applications.
- Managing the École Polytechnique's patent portfolio, in liaison with the patent offices and inventors, in accordance with the École Polytechnique's policy: extension decisions, responses to official letters, abandonment decisions, etc.
- Supporting researchers in their projects to develop innovative technologies, particularly in terms of project organisation, intellectual property and market positioning. Supporting them in seeking and obtaining premature and maturation funding from IP Paris, SATT Paris-Saclay or other institutions. If necessary, select and mandate a consulting firm to carry out a market study.
- Supporting researchers in their technology transfer and start-up creation projects. Advise them on public-private mobility.
- Negotiating the co-ownership of inventions, know-how and software from the laboratories with academic partners.
- Negotiating contracts for the exploitation of inventions, know-how and software from the laboratories (licence, assignment, co-ownership contract) with SATT Paris-Saclay, industrial partners and start-ups.
The team of the Service de la Recherche Partenariale et Propriété Intellectuelle (SR2PI) is associated with the Service Partenariat et Valorisation of the DR4 at the CRNS in the framework of a Plateforme Mutualisée de Valorisation (PMV).