École polytechnique hosts the international final of the 38th Mathematical and Logical Games Championship

On August 25 and 26, École Polytechnique hosted the international final of the 38th Mathematical and Logical Games Championship, bringing together over 500 competitors from 15 different countries, from Switzerland to Peru.
Founded in 1987, the Fédération Française des Jeux Mathématiques (French Mathematical Games Federation) is dedicated to developing a taste for mathematics by playing.
The FFJM produces mathematical puzzles for schoolchildren, high school students, university students and adults, providing a fun way to learn mathematics at all levels. Every school year, it organizes the International Championship of Mathematical and Logical Games, open to schoolchildren, secondary school pupils, high school students, university students and adults.
Sponsored by Hugo Duminil-Copin, Fields Medal 2022, and supported by Engie and INRIA Saclay, this championship mobilized several hundred teachers throughout France, including overseas, and resulted in the selection of 89 French finalists from 27,000 participants.
By hosting this event, École Polytechnique illustrates two of the principles that inspired its founding fathers 230 years ago: recruiting the best scientific talent from all horizons, and delivering a scientific and technical education of excellence based on mathematics.
Thanks to a top-notch academic body that works on both the creation and transmission of science, students and engineering students at École Polytechnique acquire an exceptional foundation of scientific knowledge based on the solid mathematical foundations that have been the École's scientific signature since its origins.
Two of École polytechnique's 23 laboratories are dedicated to mathematics. Created in May 1965 by the renowned mathematician Laurent Schwartz, the Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz (CMLS), a joint École polytechnique and CNRS research unit and founding partner of the FMJH (Fondation mathématique Jacques Hadamard), aims to carry out top-level research across a broad mathematical spectrum.
In conjunction with the Mathematics Department, the other mission of the CMLS is to develop the teaching and dissemination of mathematics not only at the École polytechnique, but also in the academic world and among the general public. The CMLS plays an active role in training through research: X-UPS mathematics days organized for teachers of preparatory classes, master's courses, optional courses for École polytechnique students. The students' seminar and the doctoral students' seminar are held on a weekly basis.
The Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP), under the primary supervision of École Polytechnique and CNRS, and the secondary supervision of INRIA, conducts theoretical and numerical research on mathematics in interaction with other sciences (biology, economics, computer science, mechanics, physics, etc.) or in connection with industrial or societal applications. Specialties include partial differential equation analysis, modeling, scientific computing, control, optimization, inverse problems, probability, signal and data processing, artificial intelligence and statistics.
From September 11 to 13, CMAP is organizing a conference to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its creation. The event, both festive and scientific, will present a broad overview of the themes covered by the laboratory since its creation.
Grégoire Allaire, Professor at the École Polytechnique and Director of CMAP, co-chaired the work on the national and prospective synthesis on mathematics published in November 2022 and carried out under the aegis of the Haut Conseil d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Hcéres). It provided a diagnosis of French research in mathematics, its functioning, its influence, its successes, but also its weaknesses, and advocated the establishment of a French program for mathematics by 203
The French government unveiled a The French government unveiled a €50 million research program in mathematics in September 2023 as part of the post-Covid France 2030 recovery plan.