Call for applications for the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" PhD scholarship

Since 2020, the "Econophysics and Complex Systems" Chair, supported by CFM (Capital Fund Management), is committed to reducing gender inequalities in its discipline through the annual "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" scholarship. Women students and researchers are still under-represented in econophysics, a multidisciplinary field that allows to address socio-economic using the tools from physics.
The funding, which is significantly higher than traditional doctoral grants, will support an excellent candidate in carrying out a research project in quantitative finance.
In 2022, it was landed by Natascha Hey. She is now a PhD student at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, where she is pursuing research on financial market stability and contagion effects in financial crises.
About the Chair "Econophysics and Complex Systems",
The Econophysics and Complex Systems Chair aims to develop tools to understand the dynamics of economic systems by moving away from the highly theoretical models usually used in this discipline. Headed by Michael Benzaquen, this Chair aims to use an analytical approach from the field of statistical physics to study aggregate behaviour in the presence of interactions, heterogeneities and feedback loops. Since 2018, this research has been made possible thanks to the support of the sponsorship of Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, President of Capital Fund Management, one of the largest French investment funds. CFM is thus making its infrastructure and data available to enrich the models developed by Michael Benzaquen's team.