COVID-19 : L’X remains open and responds to the health situation

Since the beginning of the new academic year, the health situation regarding the COVID-19 epidemic has deteriorated in France and the École Polytechnique campus has also been affected by this accelerated progression of the virus. A few cases have been diagnosed among staff members, but the acceleration observed over the past 48 hours is mainly amongst the students.
The School monitors the situation daily. It is in contact with the Regional Health Agency (ARS) since August in order to monitor the situation on campus. The presence of several confirmed, suspected or contact cases, mainly within the student community, has led the ARS to organize a targeted screening of contact cases and symptomatic cases for students from Institut Polytechnique de Paris schools (École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and ENSAE Paris). This screening took place today on campus.
In order to guarantee the safety and health of everyone and to ensure the continuity of the School's missions, new measures have been decided and will apply starting Monday morning, September 21.
All academic programs (Bachelor, Cycle ingénieur, MSc&T, Masters) will switch to online formats for the next two weeks. The situation will be reassessed at the end of this period. A communication will be sent out on September 30 to confirm whether these measures will be maintained or lifted. All students, whose state of health permits it and who have the opportunity to isolate themselves outside of campus, are invited to do so. This measure will change depending on the context and the decisions of the public authorities.
All group, sports or social activities on campus are canceled for all. Sports and social infrastructures are closed. Individual sports practice remains authorized if preventive measures are respected.
The library will be closed to the public for the next two weeks. The situation will be reassessed at the end of this period.
Health regulations for protection, social distancing, and hygiene measures must continue to be thoroughly respected. Wearing a mask is mandatory inside the School and within a perimeter of 50 meters outside of its enclosure.
These new measures will be reexamined according to the evolution of the health situation on campus and more broadly the evolution of the situation on a national level, and will be modified according to government instructions.