École Polytechnique specifies the schedule of its Entrance Exams

Following the measures announced by the French government on the development of a new schedule regarding the French Grandes Écoles entrance exams, the written entrance exams at École Polytechnique will take place from June 22 – 26 (MP, PC, and PSI), from June 22 – 30 (PT), and from June 30 – July 3 (BCPST), subject to health and safety conditions at the time.
Oral entrance exams will take place during the last two weeks of July. The BCPST, MP, PC, and PSI sessions will consist of a Mathematics and Physics exam and will take place on a one day per candidate basis, at which time the medical examination will also be conducted (for French candidates). The specific exams for the PT specialization will be specified this week. The final results of entrance exams will be communicated on an individual basis on August 7th.
Candidates who can no longer carry out their entrance exams in the testing centers where they were previously registered are invited to declare their situation via the SCEI (Service concours écoles d’ingénieurs) platform in the next few days.
The Executive Committee at École Polytechnique has decided to maintain oral entrance examinations for the Cycle Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program for the sake of fairness for its candidates. To this effect, a newly arriving class of students is made up of talents who have demonstrated their skills both in written and oral form. Candidates have been preparing for these two types of exams for two to three years and École Polytechnique aims to continually evaluate them equally. Oral examinations have a strong impact on admissions as well as the diversity of each student class.
École Polytechnique is making every possible effort in order to inform candidates individually about specific arrangements regarding the organization of its entrance exams for all specializations, in particular regarding the locations and health and safety precautions for testing.
The entrance exams committee continues to offer its full support to both French and international candidates who have been preparing for entrance exams for many months.