Operation CIEDS 2024 organized at École polytechnique

Organized for the second year running, Operation CIEDS brought together numerous researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students from École polytechnique’s laboratories and other Schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), representatives of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, companies and start-ups for a day of exchanges and debates at the crossroads of Defense, Innovation and Industry.
A number of themes were addressed during two round tables - one devoted to the human factor at the heart of defense systems, the other to major maritime challenges - and workshop presentations devoted to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Communications and Systems Security, and the challenges of materials in Defense.
In addition, 42 posters detailing research projects, divided into ten scientific areas, were freely accessible to participants, who were able to select the three best according to criteria of quality of presentation, clarity of objectives and challenges, and quality of results, with a view to the prize-giving ceremony which brought the day to a close.
Created in March 2021, with the support of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Defense and Security (Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Études pour la Défense et la Sécurité - CIEDS) aims to meet the scientific and technological challenges of the defense sector, in the fields of research, innovation and education. It brings together laboratories from École Polytechnique and other member Schools of IP Paris.
To fulfill its missions, the CIEDS forges industrial partnerships designed to accelerate the transfer of technologies to companies and ensure the transition to a pre-industrialization phase, with the aim of strengthening the French Defense Industrial and Technological Base.
In 2023, École polytechnique helped launch two new education and research chairs illustrating this partnership dynamic: the “Physics of High Energy Density and Inertial Fusion” Chair with the Military Applications Department of the French Atomic Energy Center, and the Complex Systems Architecture Chair, supported by Dassault Aviation, Dassault Systèmes, Naval Group, Nexter, a KNDS company, and the Defense Innovation Agency.