QS ranks l’X as one of the world’s top universities for the study of 11 subjects

École polytechnique has been named as one of the world’s top universities for the study of 11 subjects according to the 2020 edition of the QS World University Rankings by subjects covering 48 academic disciplines, released on March 4th.
In the overall field of Natural sciences, it ranked 26th worldwide gaining 11 positions in a year. In Engineering & Technology, it moved from the 70th position in 2019 to the 57th in 2020. École polytechnique ranked among the Top 40 worldwide in three subjects : Mathematics, Engineering – Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing and Physics and Astronomy. On the 11 academinc disciplines from Ecole polytechnique covered in the 2020 subject rankings, 5 improved their position, 5 remained unchanged and 1 slightly stepped back.
In mathematics, the School moved from the 29th position worldwide in 2019 to the 27th and boasted its best performance on the academic reputation criterion. In Engineering – Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing, it noticeably bettered its position raising to the 34th position worlwide. It also improved its rankings in Chemistry and Biological Sciences ands has been ranked for the first time in Environmental Sciences.
In Physics and Astronomy it slightly receeded to the 37th rank worldwide but it earned its highest score in this discipline on two indicators : citations per paper and H-Index.
The School’s best performance in terms of Employer reputation came in Computer Science & Information Systems.
The QS World University Rankings by Subject ranks the world’s top universities in individual subject areas, covering 48 subjects. Each of the subject rankings is compiled using four sources. The first two are QS’s global surveys of academics and employers, which are used to assess institutions’ international reputation in each subject. The two other indicators assess research impact, based on research citations per paper and h-index in the relevant subject. These are sourced from Elsevier’s Scopus database, the world’s most comprehensive research citations database.
These four components are combined to produce the results for each of the subject rankings, with weightings adapted for each discipline. These four components are : Academic reputation mesasured on the basis of a poll of over 94,000 academics worldwide, Employer reputation evaluated from 44,000 survey responses from graduate employers worldwide, Research citations per paper and the H-index, measuring both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar and based on the set of the academic’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.
In the 2020 edition of the QS World University Renkings by Subjet, France s the 9th -most-represented country in the workd with 389 ranked programs from 73 institutions.
--> Have a look at all our rankings here