Three X2020 Collaborative Scientific Projects awarded

The 13 Collaborative Scientific Projects (CSPs) selected by the education and research departments from among the 111 CSPs of the X2020 were submitted on September 12 to a jury of academics and business representatives. Three projects were awarded during this final examination.
The first project concerns the simplified simulation of biome restoration in a hostile environment for videogame purposes. Led by Raphaël Gardies, Hangyu Lyu, Perrine Mathieu, Anouk Perreau, Adrien Ramanana Rahary and Of the 13 projects selected to be submitted to a jury of academics and business representatives, three have been distinguished. All second-year students of the Ingénieur polytechnicien program take part in a Collaborative Scientific Project to collectively identify and work at solving a large-scale problem or to design and produce an innovative technological demonstrator.
Davide Ripayre, it takes the opposite view of predation-destruction behaviors often expected of player in most video games, even if they are less ans less compatible with current ecological issues. The project studies the opposite process in the scientific literature, starting from a situation with very limited resources and identifying the mechanisms that allow the reintroduction of a fauna and a flora.
Eachman Assendjee, Antoine Bou Khalil, Claire Chevallier, Alexis Dougha and Anzo Assiot have developed a project to recycle waste by producing dihydrogen.
Led by Victor Baillet, Rémi Gilliot, Blaise Jacob, Paul Schoupp, Maxime Segura, Tom Soulaire and Julia Souviron, the X-Rocket project for the development of an experimental mini-rocket covers the design, realization and building of a new experimental rocket structure. It includes the characterization of the mechanical and aerodynamic properties of the glider as well as the implementation and testing of guidance algorithms in preparation for a controlled landing of the rocket.
All second-year students of the Ingénieur polytechnicien program take part in a CSP, to collectively identify and work on solving a large-scale problem or to design and produce an innovative technological demonstrator by implementing independently and over a long period of time one or more scientific disciplines with an appropriate method and organization.
The CSP involves many players from Ecole Polytechnique faculty (scientific departments, laboratories, technical services, Ingénieur polytechnicien Program office tean), as well as its close partners, in particular the École Polytechnique Foundation. The student chose their subjects in conjunction with an École Polytechnique laboratory, a third-party research organization, a company or a public body.
Topic of the 10 other projects in competition:
- Real-time interactive ripple simulation for video games
- Thermoception: seeing through the body
- Improvement and study of a fog chamber
- Feasibility of 2022 Presidential Election Tax Reform Projects
- Can quantum computing speed up Monte Carlo methods?
- Kick stage concept for small launchers
- Everyday Life & Frugal Innovation: Development of a Low-Tech Solar Oven
- Theoretical study of colored black holes
- Computing the pricing of a European option using a quantum approach
- Creation of a computer tool to generate skill trees based on the video game model