A week of sustainable development awareness and activities at l’X

Organised by the students of the Sustainable Development Association at l’X (Association Développement durable à l'X-DDX), the 13th edition puts ecological issues at the heart of debates and conduct on the campus through a wide variety of activities.
Taking place from the 18th to the 23rd of October, this event will focus on three major areas:
Awareness with lectures from the Engineers of Tomorrow cycle and a screening of the film ‘Minimalism’. Isabelle Auhtissier, President of WWF France and the first woman to sail around the world in competition, has delivered a speech on "Oceans: Threats and Opportunities".
Personal and professional development through workshops led by former polytechnicians who have chosen environmental careers and the writing of thought-provoking articles.
Involvement through a variety of activities throughout the week, such as vegetarian meals, coffee repair sessions and an eco-responsible team challenge with Ma Petite Planète, an association that organises three-week challenges where participants have to undertake most eco-responsible actions. With the DDX, it has created a special edition over 10 days.
The SDDX plays an important part in raising the awareness of students and faculty of the École Polytechnique on the challenges of Sustainable Development. Indeed, École Polytechnique has launched in 2020 a major effort to structure and accelerate its commitment to this challenge, notably by carrying out a new carbon assessment of its activities. The School had already made strong commitments in this area at the international symposium "Reflections: Research, training and action for sustainable development", organised in June 2019, as part of the 225th anniversary of l’X.
On the occasion, Eric Labaye, President of X, made five commitments on behalf of the school to mark its entry into the era of sustainable development: the training of 100% of students in sustainable development, the implementation of a sustainable development training certification, the creation of an interdisciplinary center on renewable energies, the goal of a carbon-neutral campus and the launch of an international challenge to imagine a carbon-free city.