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COVID-19 – Students on the ground - Cyril Voisard (X2017)

06 May. 2020

Cellule de crise du ministère de la Santé

“I joined the crisis cell of the Ministry of Health, in the anticipation taskforce, starting
on March 16th.

I was initially involved in the modeling of the epidemic, in conjunction with the
Institut Pasteur, to anticipate resource tensions (intensive care beds, ventilators, etc.)
and plan strategic movement operations. The idea was also to set up indicators
to assess the effectiveness of confinement.

Once the epidemic wave reached its plateau thanks to the confinement rules,
the needs in this area were less significant and many teams of very efficient
researchers are working full-time on this topic.

Therefore, I gradually moved on to new issues revolving around EHPAD
(elderly assisted living establishments), test strategies, and the establishment
of a crisis management platform.

Beyond the operational and conceptual aspects which I find very enriching,
I draw several lessons from this first month of my internship.
I am aware
that the context of the crisis and the current circumstances led me during
the first weeks to discover in a privileged way the functioning of the public
service, which was something I was largely unfamiliar with beforehand.
I have learned a lot from those I have met and I have truly been able to
benefit from this experience. I am also fortunate to experience the crisis
management in a fairly transversal way, which allowed me to identify ways
of proceeding, whether effective or less efficient.

I was struck by team spirit as a key success factor. I have been able to work
with various teams, and I realize the difficulty of coming together around
the same objective sometimes, but especially its effectiveness when it works.

I believe that this internship allowed me to make myself useful during a time
of need, and I am now trying to take a step back and learn from this experience,
both on a human and technical level.”

