A team of Ecole Polytechnique’s students qualify for the IPT 2023

A team of the Cycle Inégnieur Program and MSc&T students from Ecole Polytechnique won the tenth French Physicists' Tournament ahead of ENS Lyon and ENSTA Paris.
The team, which included six members - Léa Bohbot, Marine Le Chatelier, Zayneb El Omari El Alaoui, Hugo Schreckenberg, Martin Chatel and Matthieu Couturier - has thus qualified for the 2023 International Physicist’s Tournament, which will take place at the Ecole Polytechnique from April 23rd to 29th.
Organized by the Réseau Jeunes de la Société Française de Physique, the French Physicists' Tournament took place on February 9th and 10th at the University of Paris-Saclay and saw 10 teams of students at the L3/M1 level debate on eleven problems.
During the "Physics' Fights", real marathons of scientific debates, the teams take on different roles, for which the students will in turn have to present results, criticize and argue on the work of another team or moderate a scientific debate.
After having already won the French selection, a team of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program students won the International Physics Tournament in 2022, for the third time.