Tomography system will probe ancient materials

Monday 16 May 2022, an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system was officially inaugurated at the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory (LOB*). It was acquired as part of the equipment projects of Île-de-France region's Domaine d’intérêt majeur Heritage and ancient materials, with the support of Ecole Polytechnique and Equipex Morphoscope.
This new transportable device allows non-contact and non-destructive analysis of materials, in three dimensions and at the micrometre scale. It was designed by the start-up company DAMAE. It will allow the development of research activities at LOB in the field of heritage sciences in collaboration with the Museum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris and the IPANEMA laboratory at Synchrotron SOLEIL.
More information on optical coherence tomography in this video (in French):
*LOB: a joint research unit CNRS, École Polytechnique - Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Inserm