The X-HEC Master of Science and Technology in Data Science for Business in the Top 3 Worldwide - QS 2022

The X-HEC Master of Science and Technology (MSc&T) in Data Science for Business comes in third place worldwide out of 120 comparable programs for its first ranking by QS. Launched in 2016, this Master's degree is taught jointly by École Polytechnique and HEC Paris. It currently aims to train 70 students per year.
"We are very proud of this performance, only five years following the launch of the program. It reflects the excellence of the faculty, the quality of our students, and the commitment of all the staff involved in the success of this program," said Anne Chrétien, Head of the Master of Science & Technology program at École Polytechnique.
QS uses five criteria to rank Masters in Business Analytics: Employability is a metric based on responses from tens of thousands of global employers over the last five years, Thought Leadership captures faculty and research recognition, Value for Money is a measure of average return on investment for specific business schools based on factors such as tuition levels, opportunity costs, salary growth, and expected career progression, Class & Faculty Diversity, and Alumni Outcomes.
The X-HEC MSc&T in Data Science for Business stands out for its reputation among employers, the recognition of its faculty and their research, its strong internationalization, and the career development of its graduates.
"The faculty members of the X-HEC MSc&T in Data Science for Business program bring together the best specialists from a top engineering school and one of the world's leading business schools," said Erwan Le Pennec, Scientific Director of the program at École Polytechnique.
The incoming class of the X-HEC MSc&T in Data Science for Business regroups 64 students from 15 countries, who start their school year on September 9th. They will form the sixth class of this program, which will account for 170 graduates this Fall.