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X students attend the French government update meeting with the 50 French most polluting industries

The French Minister for Industry, Roland Lescure, brought together the heads of the 50 industrial sites with the highest greenhouse gas emissions. They detailer their strategy for reducing their emissions by nearly 50% by 2030.
05 Apr. 2023
Sustainable Development

A delegation of some twenty students from the Cycle Ingénieur polytechnicien program took part in the update meeting organized on April 5th by Roland Lescure (X87), the Minister Delegate for Industry, at the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.

They were attending the meeting after Roland Lescure's visit to Ecole Polytechnique on February 16th, during which the Minister called on Ecole Polytechnique’s students to tackle the decarbonation revolution.

In the fall of 2022, President Emmanuel Macron asked to the executives of these 50 industrial sites, which account for 11% of France's greenhouse gases emissions and nearly 60% of the country’s industrial emissions, to double the pace of their reduction efforts, offering to double public aid if they met a goal of a 50% reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.

Emmanuel Macron had then committed to allocate 5 billions of public funds to their decarbonation projects within eighteen months, in addition to the 5 billions already provided under the Plan France Relance, intended to revitalize the economy after Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

 "The first roadmaps (46 out of 50) on which we discussed point to a reduction in emissions of 44% in 2030 and 80% in 2050, so we are almost there! ", said Roland Lescure adding that itw as still "work in progress".

Emmanuel Macron is due to draw conclusions on the decarbonation roadmaps of the most emitting sites in June.

