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A new way to assess the progress of simulation techniques in quantum physicsen physique quantique
In an article published in the journal Science, an international collaboration involving researchers from the Centre for Theoretical Physics (CPHT*) proposes a tool for estimating the difficulty of many problems yet to be solved, as well as the effectiveness of methods developed to tackle them, including quantum algorithms.
Chairs, Research
GenHack: A hackathon on generative models
Discover GenHack, the student challenge of the ‘Stress-test, Risk Management and Financial Steering’ Chair of École Polytechnique, focusing on generative models applied to environmental problems. In 2024, the third edition focused on a problem linked to maize cultivation.
Claude Weisbuch receives the French Academy of Sciences' medal for scientific applications
Physicist and CNRS research director at the Laboratory of Condensed Matter for Physics, Claude Weisbuch has been honored by the French Academy of Sciences.
L’X reinforces its collaboration with IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi
École Polytechnique is strengthening its ties with two first-class academic and scientific institutions in India. During her visit to India in early October 2024, École Polytechnique’s President, Laura Chaubard, signed two student exchange agreements - the first with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) and the second with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi).
Madeleine Kubasch awarded L'Oréal-Unesco Jeunes Talents 2024 prize
Madeleine Kubasch receives the L'Oréal-Unesco Jeunes Talents prize for women in science for her doctoral work on mathematical models of epidemic propagation at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*) and INRAE's Mathematics and Informatics Applied from the Genome to the Environment (MaIAGE) unit.
Mercury's magnetosphere begins to be unveiled
The BepiColombo probe flew over the planet Mercury and began measuring the characteristics of its magnetosphere, thanks in part to the MSA ion mass spectrometer to which the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP) contributed.
Gérard Gary receives the John Rinehart Award for his work in mechanics
X66 and CNRS Research Director at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS) between 1973 and 2010, Gérard Gary has just been awarded the John Rinehart Prize for his work on the dynamic behavior of materials.
International, Education
Welcome to the international academic exchange program at l’X
As part of the École Polytechnique’s international academic exchange program, more than sixty students from thirty excellent partner institutions across the globe have joined l’X for the start of the 2024 academic year. Students will get the opportunity to discover the French academic and scientific culture at l’X during an exchange semester. They will follow courses within the Bachelor of Science program or the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program, depending on their specialization and level of study.
Three collective scientific projects from the X2022 class awarded
Nine Collective Scientisfic Projects (CSPs) were selected by the education and research departments from the 112 CSPs of the X2022 class. A jury made up of personalities from the worlds of academia, business and the press singled out three of them at the final held on September 16.
The X-HEC Master Data Science & AI for Business, in the Top 3 of the QS 2025 worldwide rankingsement QS 2025
The X-HEC Master's in Data Science & AI for Business remains in third place worldwide out of 164 comparable programs in the 2024 QS Masters in Business Analytics ranking. It is once again ranked No. 1 worldwide in terms of employer reputation.
MATritime: mathematics for the energy transition in sea shipping
École Polytechnique, Inria, CNRS and Bañulsdesign have joined forces to launch the MATritime joint laboratory, with funding from the French National Research Agency. The aim is to develop computational and statistical tools that will provide the sea shipping industry with the tools for more sustainable boat design and operation.
L’X gathers U7+ students around the topic of AI in Education
Organized by École Polytechnique, this year’s edition of the U7+ Student Forum focused on “AI in Higher Education” and how to maximize its benefits and mitigate its risks. The participating students shared their recommendations with the presidents of the U7+ Alliance to contribute to shaping the best use of AI in Higher Education.